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Donetsk (Ukrainian: Донецьк, Russian: Доне́цк) is is an industrial city in eastern Ukraine on the Kalmius river.
Administratively, it is a center of Donetsk Oblast of Ukraine, while historically, it is the unofficial capital and largest city of the economic and cultural Donetskyi Basin (Donbas) region.

Donetsk formerly is known as Yuzovka after John Hughes, and then Stalino because of steel production in city (there is an erroneous opinion that city was named after Stalin).

The name of Donetsk comes from the Severskyi Donets, a tributary of the Don. The city was founded in 1869 by a Welsh businessman, John Hughes, who constructed a steel plant and several coal mines around the region. Today, the city still remains an important coal mining region of the Donbas and Ukraine, and houses the "Donetsk" special economic zone, established in 1998.

The city is currently home to two major professional football teams in Ukraine: Shakhtar Donetsk and Metalurh Donetsk, both of which currently play in the Ukrainian Premier League. Important attractions of the city include the Cathedral Transfiguration of Jesus, the Donetsk National University, and others.

In 2014 Donetsk had a population of 949,825 inhabitants, and the Donetsk-Makiivka metropolitan area had of about 1,700,000 inhabitants.
According to the 2001 Ukrainian Census, Donetsk is the fifth-largest city in Ukraine.

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  • vulytsia Henerala Antonova, 9, LMK313 wrote 3 years ago:
    Не удалось обнаружить в этом здании никакого "музея". Творческая мастерская - да, была. А что сейчас - неясно. На первом этаже - вывеска массажного салона.
  • Saint Iverskyi Monastery (destroyed), КУКС (guest) wrote 3 years ago:
  • Saint Iverskyi Monastery (destroyed), КУКС (guest) wrote 3 years ago:
  • Institute for Economic Research, XoxmachD wrote 5 years ago:
    Во что руководство этого бесполезного института превратило деревья, это просто жесть. Это явно не инициатива зеленстройщиков. А администрация р-на что? Куда мы идем, эта часть улицы просто отвратительно выглядит с обеих сторон
  • Druhyi (2nd) Zavodskyi Pond, МММ (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    Эти два водоема не являются Вторым Заводским прудом. Меньший из них это Отстойник в который стекает вода из очистного сооружения обозначенного как КНС-7 КП "ДГВК" на юго-западе от него. Больший водоем и следующий по течению называется Нулевой Заводской.
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